Other Adlerian Trainings

The programs and organizations below offer Adlerian-based trainings. Some of them may be affiliates of NASAP; more information about joining affiliates can be found on the Affiliates page. Use the buttons below to visit the websites and fill out the Contact form for more information. Trainings from these groups as well as affiliate groups can be used to satisfy requirements for the two NASAP certificate programs. Some organizations also offer CEs toward licensure (NBCC).

Terry Kottman developed Adlerian play therapy and the League of Extraordinary Adlerian Play Therapists (LEAPT). Several types of classes and trainings are offered along with a certification program.

A new Alfred Adler Fellows program, based in SC with Calvin Armerding and Lindsay Hill, was launched recently. This is a year-long program that offers 36 CE hours through NBCC.

Incorporated in 2004, the Positive Discipline Association (PDA) is an independent nonprofit organization and the only credentialing body overseeing Positive Discipline training and certification in multiple languages around the world. Trainings are offered in person and online. The PDA was established to oversee a global certification system to identify candidates who have met certification standards and maintain a registry of those trained in Positive Discipline. 

“Repair My House” Weekly Workshops

Mondays, 12-1pm (Chicago Time)

FREE on Zoom; To register, send an email to: repairmyhouse110@gmail.com

Faculty: Dr. Jerry Hiller and Marilynn Rochon, M.A., LCPC

This organization offers different levels of training as well as individual and business/organization consultation using the BASIS-A Inventory. The BASIS-A is an Adlerian lifestyle assessment that can be used in a variety of settings including mental health, coaching, and with businesses/organizations.