TAP Talks

Upcoming TAP Talks

TAP Talks are free* and open to anyone! The Theory, Research, and Teaching Section (TRT) of NASAP sponsors them and the two co-chairs, Jennifer and Dan Williamson, serve as hosts for these fun evening chats about Adlerian psychology.

To register for any upcoming TAP TAlk, use this link: https://forms.gle/KXvCVFJtSvcxxkabA

Information about TAP Talk events is included in the Events Calendar on the website as well as on this page.

*There is one (1) CE hour available for joining the TAP Talk, completing the evaluation form found below, and paying the CE fee. Scroll down to find the form and link to pay.

The first TAP Talk of the year is now set for January 30, 2025 at 8 PM EDT/ 7 PM CDT. The TRT Section is pleased to announce a panel discussion on “Ethical and Practical Considerations for AI in Mental Health: A Panel Discussion”

Panelists include -

Charles "Chip" Schooler

Michelle Griffith

Daniel G. Williamson

Jennifer Nivin Williamson

The February TAP Talk is set for February 27, 2025 at 8 PM EDT/ 7 PM CDT. The TRT Section is pleased to announce that Dr. Mandy LaGuardia will present “Towards Standardized Practice to Address NSSI”

Previous TAP Talks

TAPTalks are presented several times each year as a way of keeping in contact with NASAP members and also a way of providing some continuing education hours to members of NASAP and the public at a reasonable price.

TAPTalks are hosted by the Theory, Research and Teaching Section of NASAP and the presenters are selected by the Sections of NASAP. Topics change each month.

You do need to join the zoom meeting at the correct time for your time zone (it starts at 8:00 PM Eastern Time - and lasts for one hour). In order to receive CE credit you must complete the evaluation form below and pay the CE fee online or send a check to the NASAP office.

Pay for 1 CE Hour

If you would prefer to pay for your CE credit by check, please make the check out to NASAP and mail it to: NASAP, 117 Hedgewood Lane, Canton, GA 30115

 We have been able to record several TAPTalks over the years.  

Members may download some of these MP3 files:

Link to TAPTalk Download Page