Frequently Asked Questions
What is typical attire for the NASAP conference?
Casual attire that is not distracting to others is acceptable for in-person and online attendees.
Many people choose to dress up for the Saturday evening banquet but this is not required.
How do I find the Session Evaluation form after the presentation is over?
Links to the evaluation forms will be included in the conference Yapp app and the brochure. However, you still need to have your Overall Conference CE form initialed by the room monitor at the end of each presentation you attend.
Other question not listed here?
Click the link below to send your question to the NASAP office.
Can I come and go from meetings as I like?
No. We ask that you only attend one presentation during each timeslot and that you stay the entire time. It is distracting to presenters to have people leave in the middle of their sessions. In order to receive CEs, you must remain in the presentation room, have a room monitor verify attendance at the end of the session on the Overall CE Form, and complete a session evaluation for each session you attend.
What time zone is the conference in?
Portland, Oregon is in the Pacific Standard Time (EST) zone. All posted times in the conference brochure are in local Portland time.
Can I get a copy of the presenter’s slides?
Yes. Please email the presenter. If you need their email address, email the Office:
Who do I contact if I need help?
Prior to the conference, contact Susan Belangee in the office. During the conference, come to the Check-In desk and someone will be able to help you.
How do I get CEs?
It’s a 3-step process:
You must sign in on the appropriate sheet (APA for psychologists and NBCC for everyone else).
You must fill out a Session Evaluation. This can be done at the end of the session or at some time afterward but within a week of the conference if possible.
You must have a room monitor initial your Overall Conference CE form at the end of each presentation in order to verify you attended the presentation.
Links to the Session Evaluations will be in the Yapp app and in the conference brochure you received by email. A limited # of paper copies will be available for those who do not have a device.