Council of Representatives
Section Representatives
Clinical Practice
Section Reps: Grace Jacobson and Connie Victor
Section Reps: in need of 2 reps
Family Education
Section Reps: Bob Saxner and Marjie Longshore
Social Justice
Section Reps: Kimberly Martin and Rebecca Dickinson
Transformative Leadership & Coaching
Section Reps: Kevin O'Connor and Pascale Brady
Theory, Research & Teaching
Section Reps: Jennifer Williamson and Dan Williamson
Current Active Affiliates and Representatives
Adler Academy of Minnesota
Rindie Eagle
Adler Graduate School (MN)
Antwan Player
Doug Pelcak
Adler Graduate Professional School of Toronto
Adler Korea
Julia Park
Adler University Center for Adlerian Practice & Scholarship
Marina Bluvshtein
Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia (APABC)
Jennifer Lee
Adlerian Psychology Association of Iran (APAI)
Hamid Alizadeh
Adlerian Society UK Institute for Individual Psychology
Yvonne Pritchard
Alfred Afler Institue in Suisse Romande
Jinger Hayes
ALFREDS (Adler Learning Federation for Research, Education & Delivery of Services)
Marion Balla
Arabian Adlerian Institute
Family Leadership Center
Florida Adlerian Society
Nicola Haddak
Georgia Society of Adlerian Society
Jody Housker
Michele Frey
ICASSI (International Committee of Adlerian Summer Schools & Institutes)
Sabine Landscheidt
Eva Dreikurs Ferguson
Idaho Society of Individual Psychology
Dave Webster
Japanese Society of Individual Psychology
Makoto Kajino
Kentucky Tennessee Society of Adlerian Psychology (KTSAP)
Milwaukee Affiliate for Social Living
Parent Encouragement Program (PEP)
Lynne Ticknor
Penn-Del Affiliate of the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler
Inna Pavlova-Rosenfeld
Positive Discipline Association
Kelly Gfroerer
Puget Sound Adlerian Society
Jenny Hsieh
South Carolina Society of Adlerian Psychology
John Arnold
Lindsay Hill
Taiwan Adlerian Psychology Association
The Adlerian Network
Louise Ferry
Ukrainian Association of Individual Psychology
"What’s The Story?" Life Style Narratives Study Group
Les White