NASAP Affiliate Groups
Affiliate Organizations are at the grassroots level of NASAP
Our mission is to "foster and promote the research, knowledge, training, and application of Adlerian Psychology". That's hard to do on a continent as large as North America. We have developed Affiliate Organizations in an attempt to bring NASAP closer to home for lots of people who want to learn about Adlerian Psychology. Our Affiliate Organizations hold meetings on a regular basis (some monthly and some annually) and provide a local home for NASAP. They cooperate with each other in providing training and Adlerian materials and help promote activities in their area that will foster the use of Adlerian principles.
List of Current Affiliates
The following Affiliate Organizations are currently active

Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia (APABC)
Contact: Jennifer Lee
British Columbia
Part of Adler Centre
The Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia (APABC) is a network for Adlerians to connect. Membership helps promote our mission of putting Adlerian ideas into practice through promoting social interest, community, encouragement, and the human need to belong.
Adler Learning Foundation for Research, Education
& Delivery of Services
Contact: Marion Balla
Mission: To provide and support accessible, preventative, social & mental health services including psychotherapy, counselling, coaching, research, and education to families, workplaces, and communities.
Adler Graduate Professional School Toronto
890 Yonge St.
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 3P4
We are a graduate professional school offering a variety of academic programs which prepare students to provide services in the areas of mental health and wellbeing.

Florida Adlerian Society
Contact: Nicola Haddak
The Florida Adlerian Society [FAS] is an organization that encourages and promotes education about Adlerian Psychology (also called Individual Psychology) based on the work of Alfred Adler. We promote and provide learning opportunities for educators, counselors, parents, and individuals, based on the philosophy of Alfred Adler. Whether you are a parent, counselor, psychologist, teacher, or student, you'll find our organization and its members a source of education, encouragement, and professional camaraderie.
Georgia Society of Adlerian Psychology (GSAP)
Tara Overzat Atlanta
Michele Frey Dallas, GA
Idaho Society of Individual Psychology
ISIP is a non-profit organization of people in Idaho who are interested in furthering the concepts of Individual Psychology. Purpose: This society is organized and shall be operated exclusively to further educational and scientific objectives and for no other purpose.
Our goal is to maintain, promote and grow the core theory, research, and methods of Adlerian Psychology, its foundational roots, and best practice applications in schools, at home, in clinical settings, the workplace and in the community.
CAPS also manages Adlerpedia
Kentucky Tennessee Society of Adlerian Psychology (KTSAP)
Bowling Green
Contact: April Crabtree
The Kentucky Tennessee Society of Adlerian Psychology (KTSAP) is an affiliate of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP). KTSAP is founded on the teachings and principles of Alfred Adler (1870-1937). The members of KTSAP come from all walks of life, but what brings us together is a common desire to have meaningful connections with others.
Mission: educate parents, teachers, and caregivers in principles based on Adlerian Psychology that encourage young people to lead and contribute to society. Family leaders are given practical, proven tools to address challenges – whether reducing the small daily struggles like getting out the door in the morning or taking responsibility for homework and completing family chores or to shift the family climate of power struggles or sibling rivalry.
Adler Graduate School
Contact: Antwan Player
& Doug Pelcak
Mission: Preparing mental health and human service professionals with a strong Adlerian foundation to foster encouragement, collaboration, and a sense of belonging to the individuals, families, and the culturally diverse communities they serve.
New York
Penn-Del Affiliate of the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler
Contact: Inna Pavlova-Rosenfeld
Thornton, PA
South Carolina
South Carolina Society of Adlerian Psychology
Facebook group HERE
Contacts: John Arnold & Lindsay Hill
Washington State
Puget Sound Adlerian Society
Contact: Jessica Hsieh
Seattle, WA
Mission: Our mission is To nurture dignity for all by encouraging democratic relationships and a sense of belonging.
What’s the Story? Lifestyle Narratives Study Group
Contact: Les White
What’s the Story?: Life Style Narratives Study Group is a book club with a twist. We use critical thinking methods, usually reserved for the analysis of literature, to analyze or better understand and assess a person’s personality or life narrative as based on that person’s reported memories.
Positive Discipline Association
Kelly Gfroerer
Atlanta, GA
Positive Discipline Association is the organization that offers training in the Positive Discipline programs. They hold an Annual Conference and other events for trainers in the US and around the world.

International Committee
of Adlerian Summer Schools & Institutes
Mission: Reach out to others through education, training, dialogue, and experience. To enhance the spirit of social interest, sharing, and cooperation, and foster equality by making a common effort to eliminate the barriers between nationalities, age groups, genders, religions, social classes, races, professions, and any other artificial distinctions by which humans believe themselves to be divided. To stimulate leadership in different countries and help potential and existing leaders in their efforts to establish a world of peace and cooperation.
Arabian Adlerian Institute
Contact: Hagar Shrief

Taiwan Society of Individual Psychology (TSAP)
U.S. Contact:
Julia Yang
Taiwan Contact:
Dr. Lucia Tseng

Alfred Adler Institute in Suisse Romande
Contact: Jinger Hayes
We believe one of the greatest contributions of Alfred Adler was his conceiving and operationalizing a therapy aimed at the full-functioning of the individual which also aims at the betterment of humanity.

Ukraine Association of Individual Psychology (UAIP)
Kulparkivska Street, 95
Lviv, 79021, Ukraine
Communications Chair:
Natalia Kostyuchenko
The all-Ukrainian association of Individual Psychology was founded on the 19th of September 2018, at the demand of the IAIP board. Their president is Zoryana Koshulynska. UAIP is a section of Alfred Adler Individual Psychology (AAIP) under the Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists (UUAP), which was established in August 2001. At present, the section has 123 participants– five with PhDs in psychology and one with a doctorate in medicine.

Adlerian Society UK Institute
for Individual Psychology (ASIIP)
Contact: Yvonne Pritchard
The Adlerian Society UK Institute for Individual Psychology promotes the understanding, application and development of Individual Psychology and Adlerian Counselling in the UK; Through public lectures, workshops, conferences and professional training
Affiliate Organization Membership
Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs promoted Individual Psychology by lecturing throughout North America in order to establish “pockets” around the continent where Individual Psychology would flourish. NASAP has taken this same grassroots approach through the formation of Affiliates, and organizations, (e.g., local interest groups, schools, or institutes,) that are governed by their own principles of operation independent of NASAP while being associated with NASAP. The Affiliate receives the same membership services as individual members such as the journal and newsletters.
In order to become an Affiliate, the group needs to: have at least two General Members among its membership (A General Member of NASAP is an Individual, Retired, Family, or Student Member); submit a copy of their constitution, bylaws, or statement of purpose which is consistent with the NASAP Constitution; and pay an application fee ($150 USD) which is the same as the annual dues and is applied to their first year’s dues.
When an Affiliate has 5 General Members of NASAP, the Affiliate may send one of these General Members as a voting representative to serve on the COR. At the Council of Representatives Meeting, they will have the opportunity to network with and share in the support of other Affiliates as well as share in the governance of NASAP.
If you have questions about Affiliate membership or who are interested in learning more about the Affiliate application process are encouraged to contact the NASAP office. If you are ready to apply, click the button or fill out the form below. You will be able to enter the required information to submit your application.
In order for your application to be complete, you must submit a Statement of Purpose and/or a Constitution/By-Laws. An example of this can be found on this webpage. This information can be emailed to the office at Once your application is approved, you will then submit a payment of $150 USD either by check or electronically via an invoice that will be emailed to the contact person.
After all your documents are approved and payment submitted, the affiliate group's name will be listed on the Affiliate Group webpage and on the Membership Application/Renewal form so others can select it as part of their profile. Please note that any dues the affiliate group sets for itself must be collected by the affiliate group separate from the NASAP database.
Apply to become an Affiliate Group
Hello! We are excited to receive your application for a new affiliate group.
Please use this form to share the information about your affiliate group. Once it is received, along with the statement of purpose and/or your constitution/by-laws (sent directly to the office email), the Board of Directors will review the application and inform you of the decision as soon as possible.
Once it has been approved, payment will be due in the amount of $150 USD and it can be sent by check to the NASAP office or an invoice can be generated and emailed to the representative. If you have any questions please contact Susan Belangee
Affiliate Growth Fund
If you are an Affiliate Organization and want information about the Affiliate Growth Fund, designed to help Affiliates grow, download more information: