Don't Miss our Last Spring Workshop!
Early bird rate goes until April 20th!
The Idaho Society of Individual Psychology (ISIP) is hosting a two-day workshop.
Workshop 1: Adlerian Theory of Personality Development and Family Functioning.
Presenters: Brad Lambson & Ted Warstadt
This workshop will help attendees understand the pioneering nature of Adlerian Psychology and their application to an understanding of human development and human difficulty. Some of the topics that will be covered are: Holism, Social Embeddedness, Life Tasks, Teleology, Creativity/Uniqueness, Phenomenology, Striving for superiority, Gender Guiding Lines, Inferiority Feelings and Inferiority Complex, Community Feeling (Gemeinschaftsgefuhl), The Development of Lifestyle, Family Atmosphere and Family Values, and Psychological Birth Order Vantage. Attedees will also learn to better understand the “Democratic Revolution” and its impact on all human relationships, including parent/child and family relationships.
It will be offered April 28th and 29th at the Fredriksen Health Insurance Boardroom and online through Zoom.
These workshops are wonderful opportunities to enhance your therapeutic practice and increase your understanding of Alfred Adler and his contributions to Individual Psychology.